Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Almost 5 Months...=}

Listening to: blink-182 feat. Robert Smith, "All of This"

Soooo...this 27th I'll have been in Mississippi for 5 months!! Wow this time has passed by so quickly. I'm kinda amazed at how easily I've gotten used to everything here. Not to say that everything is so terribly different than in Colorado, but after living in one place for my entire life then moving to a completely different area.....that's kind of a shock.

Anyway, I really do like it here. The people are friendly and the weather is awesome. It rains like crazy sometimes and when it does, if I'm not at work, I just like to relax and listen to the showers. I've yet to go to the beach on a sunny day to get a tan (I actually kinda like my pale, pasty self), but I'm planning on trying to go sometime in the summer. =}

Times do get a little difficult sometimes, but when they do, my awesome boyfriend is always there to calm me down or give me a hug or just kiss my head and hold me...I would have never been able to do this without him. He's is the absolute most wonderful man I've ever known. The past 14 months have flown by with him, yet each day has been incredibly special. I never knew I could be so in love!

Well, I think I've gone on long enough, so I'll be off now =}