Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Post...Cupcakes and brain teasers. =}

First post of my new blog!
Listening to: The Pink Spiders, "Gimme Chemicals"

My name is Michelle, I'm a writer. I read a lot, and write stories and poems. It sounds common, but I write to get my emotions in a form that makes sense, so that I can make sense of them. I love music, which also sounds annoyingly common, and I pretty much have at least one of my headphones on, no matter what I'm doing, except driving. =} So I can't hear you if you're talking to me right now...sorry! Ha ha.

This past May, I graduated from high school (finally!) and soon I'll be heading off to college! What better way to keep track of my life than writing about it? Anyway, it's pretty intimidating and exciting to know that one very important and influencing chapter of my life is written and over with. Another one is being written now. This summer, a lot has been happening (even though at the moment, each day seems unbearably dull).

Today started pretty much like any other, and still nothing exceptional has happened, but I guess the little moments count. I have a craving to bake some cupcakes, even though I have no craving to eat them.  I just like to make them and decorate the little beauties. =} Maybe becoming a pastry chef is a good idea for me, if it wasn't for my heart being set on writing. I love weaving ideas and pictures with words.  It's an art form to me.  Does that make me an artist? Hmm.

Maybe I can do both! I have an insane plan to open up a cupcake shop and write on the side. That way I won't be without money if I don't get published. Aww, how sad that would be.

Just a little bit ago, I was looking at some brain teasers and puzzles. One of them was a memory game to test your attention span, I think. You had to click the little boxes in numerical order after they quickly flashed the numbers behind them. A chimpanzee had done this test and got 8 sets right. I got 4 correct...I was not smarter than the chimp...that swiftly killed my confidence. You can try the game here.

Okay, I think that was a pretty good debut blog...more later.

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