Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prom, Graduation, and all that whatnot-ness.

Listening to: Circa Survive "Imaginary Enemy"

With my returning blog in over 10 months, I thought I'd complain a bit. =D

Okay...with all this semi-nauseating hype surrounding prom, I feel the need to harp on how disappointing my own senior prom was. Hee hee =}

The dance itself kinda sucked, first of all. As expected, the music was just the same ol' bullshoot they play at EVERY dance I'd been to...so not such a let down there. I just prefer different music to the popularly demanded songs my peers favored. The after prom thing, a tryst at Boondocks, now that was a little better. At least I can say I had fun there. =} Games, go-karts, laser tag and a spot o' pizza. Yay...I guess. =} Umm...after that? Not even WORTH mentioning, haha. That hour would have been better spent going home and sleeping.

And that's it. Well my friends looked pretty nice, I got some memories to file away in my Senior Year folder and after all that puffed up hooplah...I can at least be proud to mention that I did not look fat in my dress. =D And that fact, indeed, is something to be proud about. Especially when I see some girls this year in pictures that, unfortunately...did. Poor girl. Haha. =D

Snarky? Yes, I realize that. But there's no love lost between me and that girl....teehee.

Graduation. Now that was something I worked very very VERY hard for. Cutting it close the day before, actually. The ceremony was long and super speech-filled. Walking across that stage was the best part, the most satisfying feeling in my life so far. It signified to the world that I, me, Michelle, actually accomplished something worth accomplishing.

The havoc afterwards didn't allow me to congratulate all my friends, but oh well. Didn't diminish my glow, haha. That party my parents threw me was even more than tolerable, and I'm not one for crowded social situations. Especially ones focused on me. =P Anyway, it was a good day all around.

So, with that assessment and my limited time left, I must wrap up. Good to write again, good to see ya again, dear bloggy. Haha.


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